Scrap Metal App Reviews

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Great racing and destruction!

Super fun, try it out!!!

You point and you go there -- 1st arcade racer that feels natural

Scrap Metal is the first arcade twitch racer that feels at home on iOS. You touch a part of the screen and you drive there -- this has to be experienced to be understood. Also, its more than a racing game. I had the most fun in the demo derby smashing cars up. Be sure to try that out too. Runs great on my iPad even with the advanced effects including rain.

Scrap Metal

Absolutely an exciting and fast pace game. Loved it.

Racing at its best!

Got introduced to this game after buying Shellrazer. One of the coolest 3d racers out there! Wicked fast paced! The controls are easy to pick up because of the options and Im loving releasing my frustrations in the Derby mode. Rock on!

cant pick vehicles

hey why cant you pick your own vehicle?

Please Up Date ! !

Weapons,and course, I want to increase your car I want to make the attack button Please also add any other method of operation 操作方法を選ばせて下さい コントロールスティックとティルト操作、現在の操作 などなど あと車をステージごと、モードごとに選べるようにして下さい その上、車種を増やして欲しい 武器も豊富にして下さい モードとコースを追加して下さい ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ グラフィックはとっても良いと思います! 要望が多いですが、ご検討お願いします。 アップデートに期待 追記 GameCenterIDは KIRIQU♪ です! お友達になりましょう!誰でも大歓迎です!色々競い合いましょうo(^▽^)o 本当に誰でも大歓迎なので気が向いたら検索して友達リクエストを! 追記 タッチ操作が追加されましたが、 反応が悪いです 改善お願いします!

Not bad

Fun game.. I loved Touch Nitro Racing and this is just like it in the way you drag to control your car. This control method definantly takes some time to get used to but once you do it is very fun. Maybe in a future update "normal" steering could be added as an option. The tracks are very cool and I like how there are different cars and track types. I just wish there were more tracks! Please add more!

Really? Really?

Worst controls ever. Ever. And how come I have machine gun that fires randomly. Why cant I control the shooting. Better to remove fighting if we cant control it. And where are the weapons. Each car has only one. That is booorrrrinngg. Save your money. Go buy a happy meal. I really want to control my weapons and have a choice of weapons. We need different control options and at least a brake. Otherwise some tracks are impossible to control as you fly arborn into a barricade missing a hairpin turn. Also I find myself randomly driving in reverse. Why? Its hard to get out of this and coats me the race evrytime! Non creative game. Boring execution. Only five tracks and one is only a figure eight. Did you play test? This dragging control scheme is not fun for driving games!!!!! I dont want to spend hours learning it I want pick up and play for my family. As is this is a horrible version of the nitro racing game with same drag controls. At least it has tons of tracks and a different control schemes and a reset button for when you fly off the track. if your going to make a similar game at least read up on it and make it better with more options. Not a lesser version.

Humphrey is right

Absolutely horrible controls, your finger blocks your view most of the time, all campaign events are available from the start, the game picks the car for you and you can only decide what to race by choosing an event with a cool car. Good companies dont trick people into thinking theyve made an adequate port of their Xbox game and give them an incomplete game they made in a day.

Derby and Survival modes are nice surprises!

Sure while being able to choose a vehicle or upgrade your existing one might have been fun, by keeping each of its 20 events sort of fixed, it means all scores/times made in each event are all comparable in GC. I mean what is the relevance of best time on a track if youre initially forced to do it in a slow tractor but other players who have unlocked the F1 racer much later in the game can do it in half the time? I for one LOVE the Derby and Survival modes of the game! Straight racers have never done diddly for me but the concept of seeing how many cars I can smash in 3:00 minutes or how many laps I can make on a course until Im finally destroyed are pretty cool.

Good with controls tweak.

Great game. Glad they added arrow controls. Well worth the money. Needs a slight adjustment to how the vehicles handle though as slight movements and jumps force the cars into too drastic and touchy problems causing to much oversteering.

Good but...

How can you not be able to choose your car? Thats crazy!!! Also add the police car and station wagon as playable vehicles please! 5 stars when you can pick your car. The derby and survival modes keep this at a solid 4.

Love it

Really dig this game, its been too long since there was a car shootemup that is solid fun. The controls were a bit whacky at start but i quickly picked it up and realized it actually gives the game depth. Sick of games that just do everything for me, i like having to learn the new skill, and i get to blow stuff up along the way! End of the day if you like cars and you like blowing things up, this ones for you.

Cool Game

I think its a good game but it needs for cars plus u should be able to pick ur vehicle for all modes no matter wht the vehicle is


Controls need to be tweaked more


Love it. Great game! 2 all you people out there that dont want to buy this game you should buy it just saying. Plus the thing that i didnt like about this game was it was 1.99..

Not bad

Id like it if u added more levels and a car selection

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